Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sight Word Picnic

On Thursday, the students that joined the Third Quarter Sight Word Club were invited to a Sight Word Picnic. :)  We sat on blankets, had ice cream sundaes with our lunches and even had three visitors... Jourdan's Dad, Allan's Dad and Ahkbar's little brother and Aunt. They were so excited and their friends were excited too! Everyone loves visitors. :)
Enjoy the slideshow and know that we will have another Sight Word Picnic before the school year is over. The students will need to read 100+ Sight Words. (The Fourth Quarter expectation is 80 sight words, but we up the ante for the picnic.)

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Donuts with Dads Pictures

We want to give a big thank you to everyone that came to Donuts with Dads!! We tried to get pictures of our students with their Dads, however we weren't able to get everyone. (Sorry if we missed you!)

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Play Day Pictures

Sorry this post is so late... I started my Spring Break early and then Mrs. Croft and I had trouble getting the pictures off of her phone. haha But we finally got these- so please ENJOY!!!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Kindergarten Disney Performance

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Today all of the Kindergarten students are bringing home a flyer to inform you of the Kindergarten Disney performance planned for Thursday, April 12 at 6:30p.m.
Whether you wish for  your child to participate or not, please return to the bottom portion of the paper. Only students that return the paper will be able to go on stage~ for the practice sessions and the performance. All students will participate in classroom practice. :) 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Help Coach Croft (Mrs. Croft) Support Girls on the Run!

Hello Parents and Families,
 Some of you may have heard your child talk about Girls on the Run since I am one of the coaches this year. It is an amazing organization that gives girls (3rd-5th grade) an opportunity to learn how to live a positive and healthy lifestyle. One of the main ways that all girls have the same opportunity to join is through our SOLEMATE fundraiser. In honor of the girls I became a SOLEMATE this year and ran the Gate River Run. As a SOLEMATE we run the Gate River Run (huge running goal of 9.3 miles) and raise money. Believe me for my first time it wasn't easy but the whole time I kept thinking of my team and knew I would make them proud. Please take a minute and read a little more about what Girls on the Run is and what it means to me. If you feel led to donate click on the link and scroll to the bottom. Thank you for your support, it is very appreciated!

Week of March 26

Welcome Back!!
We hope everyone had a great Spring Break and is ready to kick off the 4th quarter! :) We have a ton to do and as usual... not as much time as we would like. So make sure to review all work that gets sent home with your child and be on the look out for the 4th quarter expectation sheet. We'll be sending it home soon!

We have a Resource every day this week and there is no school on Friday. Woohoo!! 

Before Spring Break we mastered writing number bonds and addition number sentences. We are now learning about subtracting. Today we started by reading the story Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and how each time one monkey falls off we take away one.  Please practice writing subtraction number sentences at home. Practice using the math vocabulary: minus, subtract, less, take away, and  equals.

**Rote Counting Reminder for 4th Quarter: By the end this Quarter students are expected to count to 100.

We are reading a book for International Day. The title of the book is It Takes A Village and it's set in the country of Benin. We will discuss the way the family lives in the book and compare it to how our families live. We will also work on RETELLING!! The more we practice the better the students get at retelling the events in the order that they happen. (Make sure to do this at home after reading with your child.)
**I tried finding the book on Youtube, however the book would not come up. So here is a picture of the front cover.**
Image result for it takes a village book

There is so much to do, that I decided to just name it skills. haha We are focusing on medial vowel sounds this quarter. We will discuss short and long vowels. This is when MAGIC E/ SUPER E/ SILENT E is so important!! 
Check out the hooked on phonics videos and get ready to sing along! :)
We also have sight words, the /pr/ blend and the -ot word family.

We are focusing on writing words with beginning middle and ending sounds. I've noticed students omitting sounds and when they go back to read they are unable to. This is due to omitting the medial vowel, forgetting that the blend needs to letters (not just one) and forgetting the letters of the word family. Also, ALL sight words taught in class must be spelled correctly!! So make sure to go back over the sight word slideshows with your child. :) 
Monday, March 5, 2018

Week of March 5

Green Day!!!
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On Friday, we will all be GREEN!!!

This week is busy for Chimney Lakes. Not only do we have our school's Book Fair going on, but we also have the upper grades testing. On Tuesday, administration decided to cancel all Resources due to the upper grades testing. 
So we will have a few Resource times, however, if any get cancelled we will X them out on your child's Daily Conduct Sheet.

We are continuing to work on Number Bonds and Number Sentences. Our whole group numbers are getting LARGER!! The students are learning that many different partner combinations make up the larger whole group numbers.
Also, be practicing TENN NUMBERS!! We are looking for members for the Tricky Teen Number Club. To be a member you have to be able to  count through the teen numbers, recognize all the teen numbers and write all of the teen numbers. 

Please check out the post titled Dr. Seuss.  
We are taking a step back from retelling stories and focusing on individual events and the rhymes that the characters say. Along with more SIGHT WORD PRACTICE (we're trying to get more students for our Sight Word Picnic). This zeroing in on events and text allow us to focus on Dr. Seuss' writing craft. 

We do so much with Reading Skills!! I could spend a whole day with this content. haha Saxon is zeroing in on the J and X sound. This is great because some students need these two sounds to get into the Sound Club!! This week your child will be bringing home to sheets of words to read. (We practice coding and reading the words in class, but students don't always get to record it on their paper. So please complete it at home!! (These sheets help boost your child's confidence and make them better readers and writers!) Finally we will work on coding silent e and putting a macron over the vowel that makes the long sound. 
Also, if you notice your child has trouble with rhyming- PLEASE watch the Dr. Seuss video's with them. This is a great time to master the skill!!

We will be writing NEW friendly letters to the teachers (some parents may have noticed their child brought home the practice letter from the past few weeks) and then on Friday we are going to make our very own Dr. Seuss character... Be ready to find out how many arms, legs and silly looking hairdo's that these characters have!! 
We'll try our best to get some pictures and character names. hahahah

Jeans Day

It was adorable seeing all the jean material throughout the classroom... there was a TON of class participation!! Even our Room Mom, Mrs. Conner participated and she got her picture taken for the slideshow. haha

Enjoy the cute smiles!!
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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Dr. Seuss Week- March 5-9

Image result for theodor seuss geisel
As many of you may already know, Friday, March 2 was the birthday of Theodore Seuss Geisel. He is an important children's author due to his use of sight words and rhyming. He wrote books that could keep children entertained and giggling for hours after the book had been read. 

Well we owe the week of March 5- 9 to HIM!! We will celebrate by reading/ listening to his books, making a few crafts, having LOTS of rhyming fun and... a yummy SEUSSTASTICAL Fun Friday Snack at the end of the week. 

**We are not requiring the students to dress up or be silly on certain days, but if you wish to do that- it is fine. For example: some of the classes are wearing silly socks one day, a silly hat another day, etc. Also, if you child wants to bring in their favorite Dr. Seuss book that is fine too, but PLEASE make sure their name in written on either the front cover or back cover. FUNNY books quickly go missing in Kindergarten...**

Here are a few of the stories we will be reading~

Friday, March 2, 2018

Library Visit and Sunglasses Day

Sorry this is so late~ Smilebox has been giving me a lot of trouble lately....

The students LOVE when Mrs.Noah Thomas visits!! This visit was no exception. She read them two books~ Some Birds and The Crunching Munching Caterpillar.  They answered lots of questions and played a scarf game. Finally they ended the visit with a caterpillar craft. :) They made caterpillars that had circles for all the letters of their name. They were too cute!!
Check out the slideshow with a short video at the end. Then check out the pictures from sunglasses Day below it~ the class was adorable wearing their sunglasses ALL DAY!!
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